My life is so full. I am blessed in way too many ways to count. Sometimes I don't feel like I deserve everything I have, but I know I was given what I was given for a reason and "because I have been given much, I too must give."
"For of him unto whom a is b much is c;"
Doctrine & Covenants 82:3
Today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and I want to express it on here since I'm not very good at expressing it out-loud.
"I have felt His light and I have felt His peace, stronger than anything. If I could shout to all the world, bring His truth to every man, I would wear away my life to say:"
"He is the Way. He is the Light. He is Life. No other road, no other name. His power to save. I testify with every breath I breath, with all my faith: He is the way!"
(Jenny Phillips)
I am so thankful to be raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm thankful for the knowledge of who I am, where I came from and where I am going. I'm thankful that I am never alone. I will always have my Savior. I will always have my Heavenly Father. I know that my prayers are heard and answered. I know that everything in my life has a purpose and a plan.
"I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you"
Luke is my everything. It was definitely a higher power that led us together. There is no one in this world I would rather spend Eternity with.
3. I love my parents.
I lucked out in the parents department. I can't express the amount of gratitude I have for my mother. She is the strongest, smartest and most amazing woman I know. She bends over backwards for her children, her siblings, her best friends and her parents. I hope to be half the mom to my kids as my mom is to me. I love her so much. My dad is a genius, a comedian and a best friend. He's patient, kind and loving. He's a father to so many people. He is one of my biggest heroes.
4. I love my siblings.
The best thing in the world is to get a call from one of my siblings. I miss Brooklyn, Austin, Adam and Emmalee so much. There are lots of advantages to being the oldest child, but having to leave the home first was one of the hardest parts.

Brooklyn is my best friend. It took awhile for us to change from siblings to best friends, but when we finally did I scored the best best friend ever. Brooklyn will always bend over backwards for me. She is the most helpful, caring friend I have. Austin is a stud. He is smarter than I am and probably smarter than I ever will be. Austin reminds me so much of my dad. He's hilarious, spiritual, smart and so aware of people's feelings. Adam is my cuddle bug. He has become so smart and witty since I left. It's weird to think they are all growing up without me. Emmalee is everyone's little princess. She is spoiled rotten because she's so dang cute. She is going to be a heart breaker someday. (And yes, Lauren is a sibling too, but she's in a different category.
5. I love my grandparents.
My grandma and grandpa Falter are incredible. My grandma's ability to laugh at herself is inspiring. Ever since I can remember, "Crazy Grandma Marg" ALWAYS had a new story for us to laugh about. My grandpa is also a genius like my dad! They have such forgiving hearts. They support their kids and grandkids no matter what!! And anything my grandma cooks is amazing. I love getting letters, newspaper clippings and packages from them in the mail.
My grandma and grandpa Belnap are also incredible. My grandma is the most selfless lady in the world. She is constantly taking meals, visiting, giving rides and helping in every way that she can. My grandpa is always working or teasing. They are so humble and full of faith. I love getting a bag with cheese-balls and homemade jam. Grandma and Granpda will make everyone they meet a part of their family.
6. I love my aunts, uncles and cousins.
I love having the Belnap gene in me. These are very loving, service oriented, and goofy people. They have a heart from their mother and the brains from their father ;). Having Marci & Scott, Barbi & Justin and Jeri Kay & Steve so close to me has been such a blessing. I always have a place to have a home cooked meal, do my laundry and be with the people I love the most. Lately, I've been having lots of much-needed bonding with Barbi. She's helped me get through some hard time of rejection. These Belnap siblings also produced some amazing kids. I love that I have so many cousins in the same town. I love cousin bonding activities like bowling, rockband, Glee and dinners. My cousins are some of my very best friends.

I also love the crazy-goofy-laugh-at-everything Falter gene. I love getting together with the Falters!!! The Falters always laugh. They always are smiling and having a good time. They laugh at themselves, at crazy grandma and my crazy uncles. I never see their angry or stressed out sides. All I see is happiness. They are all very positive and optimistic. I love getting letters in the mail from my aunt Tracy. She has always been so kind and thoughtful. I love all my cute little Falter cousins. I wish there wasn't such a gap between us.
7. I love my future family.
These guys have already done SO much for me! It's so nice to have a new family to support me and lean on when my immediate family is so far away. Everyone is so supportive of each other. All the letter stuffing, rides, meals, video taking, couch shopping, tie shopping, bed shopping, tv shopping and envelope labeling. I love them all so much.
Utah State University is where it's at. Utah is such a different place than Washington. It's taken awhile to get used to this culture, but I love every part of it. Everyone is friendly here. I already have so many amazing friends. I love that so many people around me have the same values as me.
9. I love my best friends.
We made it to, through, out and beyond the awkward stage together.
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
Throughout the last 6 years, we have gone through different trials and experiences, but through it all we stuck together. Other people came in and out of our lives, but us three were and always will be a team. :) We understand each other. We laugh at each other. We listen to each other. I just hope they don't forget about me when I'm married because even if I'm not their best friend, they will always be mine.