So this week I am babysitting Jameson & Gregson in Lehi, Utah. Their parents left this morning, so Luke dropped me off last night after picking me up from the airport and crashed on the couch downstairs.
They go to bed at like 8:00, so that leaves me nothing to do except blog about it so here we go ;)
Day 1: [Saturday]
This morning I woke up at 8:30 and found the boys completely dressed and fed. Luke was sitting next to the younger one feeding him breakfast, then changing his diaper. He knew I was sick so he didn't wake me up when the kids woke him up at 7:00. [Reason number 291084901 why he is the most amazing guy in the entire world. :)] After breakfast, me & Jameson got in a sword fight. It failed. That is a giant bruise under my thumbnail if you cannot tell!

After recovering from my sword fight wound, we watched Toy Story 3 and I decided to let the dogs out to go to the bathroom while Luke and Gregson were taking a nap. I lost them. So fifteen minutes later I bundled up to go search for them in the 5 degree weather and I found them... "making babies" in front of the neighbors house... awkward.
Now they are only allowed out one at a time :) After we all woke up from our naps we went to Walmart. Gregson is the cutest kid in the world. He was running away from me at Walmart. It was the funniest thing ever. I couldn't catch him cause I was laughing so hard.

After a delicious meal of corn dogs and turkey steaks, we sat on the couch and watched a movie. I had the three cutest boys snuggled up with me. Pretty sure I am one of the luckiest girls ever. Gregson made me laugh so hard tonight, with his hiccop attack and slipping so many times. What a cute boy!
I really don't think I would have made
it through this day without Luke.
I felt so miserable. He made me delicious dinner.
He changed Gregson every single time.
He fed Gregson. He played with the boys.
He put Gregson on a nap.
He got up from his nap so I could sleep and shower.
He even got dog pee all over his hand when
he was helping Jameson get to bed.
He basically did everything.
I love him so much. He is going to be the best
dad in the world :)
Day 2: [Sunday]
After four miserable hours of sleep, I woke up with the kids feeling like death. I made them breakfast then put those kiddos in the tub. Then, I was going to go to Logan to be saved by my amazing Aunt Barbi, but then instead, Luke came and saved the day. He got here
just in time to take the kids to church while I took a looooong nap.
After I woke up, we had a pizza party. Then, we went to get Luke's bike. Since Jameson was so good in the car, we had ice cream when we got back. They went to bed like angels. :)
Day 3: [Monday]
The kids slept until 8:00. It was a miracle. We woke up and had breakfast. Then the boys got dressed and brushed their teeth all by themselves...with a little help. Then we had a light saber battle. It didn't end bad this time. Gregson helped me make some delicious Mac & Cheese.

During Gregson's nap, Jameson got to play at his friends house.
When we got home, we had a dance party.
Then we watched Elmo's Potty Time......a very intense show.... After that interesting experience, we had Family Home Evening. We learned about didn't quite sink in... We played Hide & Seek. Why do we say "ready or not, here I come"? If they aren't ready, they make you recount? Doesn't make sense. I guess we've never played it right. Then, we had a 10-second-tidy like in the Big Comfy Couch. And then we had ice cream :) Mmm.
Now the kids are in bed. Well, Gregson is, but he's screaming for his mom and dad. I am going to take a shower and some sleeping pills and actually get some sleep tonight.
Day 4: [Tuesday]
We are off to an interesting start... Luckily, I got almost eight hours of sleep last night and only got woken up twice. I want to take this time right now to apologize to my mom for ever going in her room in the night! It is so frightening to wake up with a child a half inch from your face!!! No matter how many times it happens, you are NEVER prepared!!!! After both boys were up, we went into the kitchen and made a smoothie. Gregson dumped his out...apparently mine aren't as good as his moms....darn. I'll have to work on that before tomorrow's smoothie!
After that incident, it was bath time.
Bath Time #1: Fail
Well last night we learned about woo woos and wee wees in Elmo's potty time. Apparently Gregson took those lessons to heart. Lucky me. As seen in the picture above, there is a big woo woo in the tub....Actually, no. There are 5 little woo woos....which is a lot worse than one big woo woo.... Well, that summarized bath time #1. Bath time #2 was in session for maybe a minute when the water began rising faster and turning yellow...hmmm... Luckily we hadn't put the bathtub cleaner away yet. Bath time #3 failed when Gregson threw his brothers shoes in the water.

After that, I did the dishes, started a load of laundry and packed the boys, their clothes, and toothbrushes, and dogs into the car. We set off on our journey to Logan. Aunt Barbi let us crash at her house for the night. Stephanie helped me get the kids and dogs in the house and settled in. Gregson slept and Jameson played with Owen and Ian (my cousins) the rest of the afternoon. Then we got to go to Uncle Scott's and hold the snakes.
Barbi made us delicious poppyseed chicken for dinner and now she's cleaning up the room for us to sleep in. Sydney helped Jameson eat all his dinner and now she's dancing and playing with Gregson. She's going to be the best mommy ever :)
I sat on the boy's floor and read to them until they fell asleep. Now I get to hang out with my love :)
Day 5/6: [Wednesday or Thursday or both---lost track of days :)]
Barbi is the best ever cause she is letting us stay all day today and another night! So Jameson and Gregson are having the time of their lives with Syd, Ian and Owen. (: Sydney has pretty much adopted Gregson for the week. She loves to read to him, feed him, lay with him and play with him. I don't know who wouldn't...just look at that face :)
Jameson has also found two new friends, Ian and Owen. They have been so nice sharing their toys and games...and beds this week. Jameson is Ian's shadow. He told me on the way home that when they grow up they are going to be next door neighbors....presh!
These are my boys... so adorable in their cute pajamas.
These are the five kids holding the five dogs. Elliot, Bambi, Kitty, Tyke & Bolt. Barbi is brave...she decided to give all 5 dogs a bath.
Barbi and I had a very productive day while the kids played. We finished all the laundry, all the dishes by hand and yesterday we took down Christmas. Barbi and I had lots of much needed bonding time and long, deep talks :) I love her to death. Now I get to read to the boys and hang out with Barbi and Luke :)
Day 7: [Friday]
We were supposed to leave today, but Barbi accidentally took my keys with her to work, so we got to stay one more night. While Barbi was at work and the kids were at school, it was very quiet in the house. I cleaned while Jameson and Owen played and Gregson slept. After the kids came home from school, The boys watched Cats and Dogs for like the 3rd time and acted like Cat and Dog detectives. We had 8 kids and 5 dogs at this point, so Barbi and I took the three youngest for a drive. I got clean clothes from my dorm and Farkle. We had nachos for dinner, then the small kids played while the adults and Gregson played Farkle. I won thanks to Gregson's lucky hands :) Then, Luke read to the boys and put them to bed.
Day 8: [Saturday]
We woke up early, got dressed, gave the boys some cereal and were off to Lehi. Luke followed behind me in his car. When we got to Lehi, we unloaded the dogs and the dirty clothes. I tackled the bedrooms and laundry and Luke vacuumed the front room and cleaned the kitchen. Then we loaded up fresh clothes and went on an adventure looking for the mailbox. 30 minutes later we found it. Then, we dropped the boys off in Salt Lake at their grandma's. Gregson ran after me crying when I was really sad.
I love Jameson & Gregson Nash and I am definitely going to miss them.
This is absolutely hysterical! I am so glad you documented this! I know it may have taken up a lot of your time, but it brought me a well needed laugh this morning, so thank you!