If your New Year's Resolutions are any or all of the following:
1. To eat/drink healthier
2. Exercise more
3. Make more money
I have the perfect opportunity for you!
Why Yoli?

- Patented Blast Cap® Technology
- Naturally Derived Ingredients
- No Toxic Stimulants
- Low Glycemic High ORAC Values
- No Preservatives
- Live Active Ingredients
- Alkalete Patented Formula
- Natural Flavors and Colors
- No Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners
- Specialty Formulas
- Gluten Free
Now back to those resolutions!
1. Eat/Drink Healthier:
Taking away soda and juices full of chemicals and sugars is one way to start the new year, but your body still needs nutrients.
"Yoli harvests nature's most potent nutrients at their nutritional peak, freeze dries them, and loads them into Yoli Blast Caps. Each Yoli Blast Cap is bursting with nutrients in a delicious beverage that is only activated at the time of consumption - ensuring a rich, potent blast every time."
With no sugar, natural ingredients, no preservatives or pasteurization, your body will get the nutrients it needs!
Try the TRUTH (Citrus Health Blast) & FUN (Lemon/Lime Health Blast) in Blast Cap or Powder Form.
2. Exercise more:
It's hard to get back in the groove after weeks, months or years of no exercising. Do you dread working out because of the soreness and pain you get the next day? What's the use of working out when you can move for days afterwards?
The discomfort people feel after physical activity is due to acid build-up. ALKALETE is a product that assists the body in reducing cramping, minimizes muscle stiffness and removes lactic acid that is caused from physical activity.
Yoli's product, Alkalete, comes in veggie capsules or powder form to mix in acidic foods or drinks.
3: Make some extra money:
Yoli is not sold in stores. It is only available through independent distributors, such as myself.
"To earn a lot of money is fairly simple. Find a big problem and offer an even bigger solution. Optimally, it will be in a large, rapidly growing industry. The liquid beverage industry is projected to reach $1 trillion in the next decade. To put that into perspective, that's the size of the automobile, computer, and travel industries combined.Not only does Yoli offer an affordable, innovative solution to people's health in one of the world's fastest-growing markets, but it also offers a solution to people's time and financial struggles without having to break the bank to get started.
Yoli believes that good old-fashioned word-of-mouth marketing coupled with a progressive hi-tech, hi-touch approach, is the perfect way to introduce Yoli to the world at large. Which is why we need YOU to help spread the word.
Yoli has introduced a proven compensation plan to the marketplace that backs up our belief that our Distributors are the absolute key to our success and should be paid accordingly."
So if you're interested in Yoli:
1. Sign up today as a Preferred Customer
Preferred Customers sign up for a monthly auto-ship of any product or variety of products they want!
2. Sign up today as a Distributor
Distributors sign up for a spot in the company and continue to build their own Yoli business in any way they feel comfortable. By signing up 3 people, they can have their entire order paid for with the break-even-bonus, in addition to receiving a monthly income based on the amount of people they sign up!
3. Buy product straight from me
You don't have to commit to a monthly shipment of Yoli, just call me and I can get you started with whatever fits your needs!
If you still aren't sure, we will be holding an
Opportunity Meeting in Cache Valley
on Thursday, February 3rd.
An Opportunity Meeting will go more in depth about the company, the products and becoming a distributor. Contact me for more information!
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