Friday, March 25, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
New Blog
Dear friends and followers:
It's finally that time. For months, I've been counting down the days to that special day where I get to change my name. New facebook identity. New social security card. New drivers license. New school ID card. New me :)
Now, I know that my name doesn't officially change until Saturday morning at 10:00 AM in Portland, Oregon, but the vinyl letters (M-A-U-G-H-A-N) are plastered on everything, so there's no turning back. I might as well take care of changing my blog and e-mail now, so there's one less thing to change on Saturday.
It's finally that time. For months, I've been counting down the days to that special day where I get to change my name. New facebook identity. New social security card. New drivers license. New school ID card. New me :)
Now, I know that my name doesn't officially change until Saturday morning at 10:00 AM in Portland, Oregon, but the vinyl letters (M-A-U-G-H-A-N) are plastered on everything, so there's no turning back. I might as well take care of changing my blog and e-mail now, so there's one less thing to change on Saturday.
New Blog:
New E-mail:
E-mail me if you want our address or anything else. Also, a lot of you are also probably wondering how I say my last name. It's not Mag-han. It's like LAWN with an M.
I love you all. Thanks for all the love and support in this new, exciting chapter of my life.
Kylee Ann Maughan
E-mail me if you want our address or anything else. Also, a lot of you are also probably wondering how I say my last name. It's not Mag-han. It's like LAWN with an M.
I love you all. Thanks for all the love and support in this new, exciting chapter of my life.
Kylee Ann Maughan
Monday, February 14, 2011
Mrs. Maughan
I grew up as a girl with high expectations and big dreams, as most of us girls do. One by one I watched the Disney princess get their fairytale endings, and knew that my happily ever after was waiting for me one day. Girls are taught from birth that there is a fairytale ending waiting for them. Every princess gets her prince and every girl gets her true love.
In each movie we watch or novel we read, we sit on the edge of our seats waiting for the totally predictable twist that leads to perfect bliss and wait for our own happy ending. We all want our Edward Cullen. We want our Prince Charming. Our Prince Eric. Our Prince Phillip. Our Beast/Prince Adam.
Then, one day you meet someone who's better than Prince Charming and Edward Cullen because he's all yours. He loves you for who you are. He says you look beautiful in no make up and sweat pants. He opens the door for you EVERY time you get in the car. He takes the basketball shorts and gives you the sweats when it's cold. He brings you sugar cookies and Subway even when he can't have them because he knows they're your favorite.. He sells his Xbox to get you something you absolutely love. After you've met the one, you know that you've found your own happily ever after.
March 29th, 2009: I love Luke Arol Maughan. He is the most amazing person I've ever met, best guy out there for me. And quite possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me. Luke! He is pretty much everything I've ever looked for in a guy.
In each movie we watch or novel we read, we sit on the edge of our seats waiting for the totally predictable twist that leads to perfect bliss and wait for our own happy ending. We all want our Edward Cullen. We want our Prince Charming. Our Prince Eric. Our Prince Phillip. Our Beast/Prince Adam.
"Some day my prince will come. Some day we'll meet again. And away to his castle we'll go. To be happy forever I know."
February 2009 -> My future husband: Strong Testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, High Moral Standards/Values, Loyal/Trustworthy, Honest, Affectionate, Loving, RM, Hard Worker, Positive, Open, Sweet, Respectful, Good with Kids, Cooking, Cleaning, No temper, Unselfish, Romantic, Smart, Patient, Temple Worthy...
We all are waiting around for these perfect love stories with the third act twist. Life doesn't happen like the movies. It's so unexpected. Love isn't something we can search for and force. It happens on its own.
"I might have to wait, I'll never give up. I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right, you'll come out of nowhere and into my life."
Then, one day you meet someone who's better than Prince Charming and Edward Cullen because he's all yours. He loves you for who you are. He says you look beautiful in no make up and sweat pants. He opens the door for you EVERY time you get in the car. He takes the basketball shorts and gives you the sweats when it's cold. He brings you sugar cookies and Subway even when he can't have them because he knows they're your favorite.. He sells his Xbox to get you something you absolutely love. After you've met the one, you know that you've found your own happily ever after.
"I don’t know but I think I may be fallin’ for you, dropping so quickly."The first stages of falling in love started showing up in your life. You constantly check your phone to see if he's replied and every time you see his name pop up you get butterflies in your stomach. You always catch yourself smiling when you think of him. You started putting your life into every single love song you hear...
"Can you feel this magic in the air? It must have been the way you kissed me. Fell in love when I saw you standing there. It must have been the way today was a fairytale."
March 29th, 2009: I love Luke Arol Maughan. He is the most amazing person I've ever met, best guy out there for me. And quite possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me. Luke! He is pretty much everything I've ever looked for in a guy.
"Flash forward and we're taking on the world together and there's a drawer of my things at your place. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded. You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes."If it's supposed to, love will work out. After two years of crazy, unpredictable circumstances, I stand 26 days away from my own Happily Ever After, or maybe it's my Once Upon A Time....
"You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe, shine like gold, buzz like a bee... Just the thought of you can drive me wild. Oh, you make me smile."
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I am currently reading the Gospel Principles manual cover to cover so I might be blogging more than usual in the next few weeks. Right now, I am reading about agency and I love what I am reading!!
"Thou mayest choose for thyself, got it is given unto thee." Moses 3:17
"When we follow the temptations of Satan, we limit our choices....Imagine seeing a sign on the seashore that reads: "Danger--whirlpool. No swimming allowed here." We might think this is a restriction. But is it?"
"We still have many choices. We are free to swim somewhere else. We are free to walk along the beach and pick up sea shells. We are free to watch the sunset. We are free to go home. But once the whirlpool has us in its grasp and we are pulled under, we have very few choices. We can try to escape, or we can call for help, but we may drown"
I absolutely hate this shirt. Although there are several standards and commandments that we hold ourselves to as disciples of Jesus Christ, as Christians and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have the freedom to choose to follow them.
This shirt needs to be changed to "I won't..." Even though someone is Mormon, they have the freedom to do whatever they choose to do. We have the power and freedom to make our own choices, but we don't have power and freedom over the consequences of our actions.
One day, my friends and I were volunteering in a classroom for behaviorally challenged students. They were all comparing stories about why they are on probation or what they were sent to juvi for. We were telling them how we choose not to drink, smoke, and steal. Instead of making fun of us for having no freedom, like most people do, they told us that we had more freedom and more opportunities because we avoided things that now have them in a trap.
We always have control over our minds. We don't have to check in with a probation officer. We can take any classes we want in high school. We don't have to breath into a tube before our car starts. We don't have to ride the bus to get anywhere.
Like the anaolgy about the Danger: Whirlpool sign, following Satan is actually putting more restriction on us. If we do worldly things like drinking, smoking, stealing and other things, we end up becoming more restricted. God's commandments direct us away from danger and towards eternal life.
"He seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." 2 Nephi 27
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My life is so full. I am blessed in way too many ways to count. Sometimes I don't feel like I deserve everything I have, but I know I was given what I was given for a reason and "because I have been given much, I too must give."
"For of him unto whom amuch is bgiven much is crequired;"
Doctrine & Covenants 82:3
Today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and I want to express it on here since I'm not very good at expressing it out-loud.
"For of him unto whom amuch is bgiven much is crequired;"
Doctrine & Covenants 82:3
Today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and I want to express it on here since I'm not very good at expressing it out-loud.
1. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"I have felt His light and I have felt His peace, stronger than anything. If I could shout to all the world, bring His truth to every man, I would wear away my life to say:"
"He is the Way. He is the Light. He is Life. No other road, no other name. His power to save. I testify with every breath I breath, with all my faith: He is the way!"
(Jenny Phillips)
I am so thankful to be raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm thankful for the knowledge of who I am, where I came from and where I am going. I'm thankful that I am never alone. I will always have my Savior. I will always have my Heavenly Father. I know that my prayers are heard and answered. I know that everything in my life has a purpose and a plan.
2. I love Luke Maughan.
"I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you"
Luke is my everything. It was definitely a higher power that led us together. There is no one in this world I would rather spend Eternity with.
3. I love my parents.
I lucked out in the parents department. I can't express the amount of gratitude I have for my mother. She is the strongest, smartest and most amazing woman I know. She bends over backwards for her children, her siblings, her best friends and her parents. I hope to be half the mom to my kids as my mom is to me. I love her so much. My dad is a genius, a comedian and a best friend. He's patient, kind and loving. He's a father to so many people. He is one of my biggest heroes.
4. I love my siblings.
The best thing in the world is to get a call from one of my siblings. I miss Brooklyn, Austin, Adam and Emmalee so much. There are lots of advantages to being the oldest child, but having to leave the home first was one of the hardest parts.
Brooklyn is my best friend. It took awhile for us to change from siblings to best friends, but when we finally did I scored the best best friend ever. Brooklyn will always bend over backwards for me. She is the most helpful, caring friend I have. Austin is a stud. He is smarter than I am and probably smarter than I ever will be. Austin reminds me so much of my dad. He's hilarious, spiritual, smart and so aware of people's feelings. Adam is my cuddle bug. He has become so smart and witty since I left. It's weird to think they are all growing up without me. Emmalee is everyone's little princess. She is spoiled rotten because she's so dang cute. She is going to be a heart breaker someday. (And yes, Lauren is a sibling too, but she's in a different category.
5. I love my grandparents.
My grandma and grandpa Falter are incredible. My grandma's ability to laugh at herself is inspiring. Ever since I can remember, "Crazy Grandma Marg" ALWAYS had a new story for us to laugh about. My grandpa is also a genius like my dad! They have such forgiving hearts. They support their kids and grandkids no matter what!! And anything my grandma cooks is amazing. I love getting letters, newspaper clippings and packages from them in the mail.
My grandma and grandpa Belnap are also incredible. My grandma is the most selfless lady in the world. She is constantly taking meals, visiting, giving rides and helping in every way that she can. My grandpa is always working or teasing. They are so humble and full of faith. I love getting a bag with cheese-balls and homemade jam. Grandma and Granpda will make everyone they meet a part of their family.
6. I love my aunts, uncles and cousins.
Bryden William Belnap is the happiest, most loving man in the world.
I love having the Belnap gene in me. These are very loving, service oriented, and goofy people. They have a heart from their mother and the brains from their father ;). Having Marci & Scott, Barbi & Justin and Jeri Kay & Steve so close to me has been such a blessing. I always have a place to have a home cooked meal, do my laundry and be with the people I love the most. Lately, I've been having lots of much-needed bonding with Barbi. She's helped me get through some hard time of rejection. These Belnap siblings also produced some amazing kids. I love that I have so many cousins in the same town. I love cousin bonding activities like bowling, rockband, Glee and dinners. My cousins are some of my very best friends.
I also love the crazy-goofy-laugh-at-everything Falter gene. I love getting together with the Falters!!! The Falters always laugh. They always are smiling and having a good time. They laugh at themselves, at crazy grandma and my crazy uncles. I never see their angry or stressed out sides. All I see is happiness. They are all very positive and optimistic. I love getting letters in the mail from my aunt Tracy. She has always been so kind and thoughtful. I love all my cute little Falter cousins. I wish there wasn't such a gap between us.
7. I love my future family.
These guys have already done SO much for me! It's so nice to have a new family to support me and lean on when my immediate family is so far away. Everyone is so supportive of each other. All the letter stuffing, rides, meals, video taking, couch shopping, tie shopping, bed shopping, tv shopping and envelope labeling. I love them all so much.
8. I love my school.
Utah State University is where it's at. Utah is such a different place than Washington. It's taken awhile to get used to this culture, but I love every part of it. Everyone is friendly here. I already have so many amazing friends. I love that so many people around me have the same values as me.
9. I love my best friends.
We made it to, through, out and beyond the awkward stage together.
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
Throughout the last 6 years, we have gone through different trials and experiences, but through it all we stuck together. Other people came in and out of our lives, but us three were and always will be a team. :) We understand each other. We laugh at each other. We listen to each other. I just hope they don't forget about me when I'm married because even if I'm not their best friend, they will always be mine.
Greg Olsen,
Heavenly Father,
Jenny Phillips,
Jesus Christ,
Monday, January 24, 2011
Bryden William
Every day was spent like his last. His parents didn’t know he would be born with Down’s Syndrome or that nearly every system of his body would fail within his first month of life. At birth, he was immediately taken by the trauma team. Four hours later, he had already taken his first ambulance ride. He was rushed to another hospital with the equipment to keep his frail body alive. The doctors never told his parents that they did not expect him to live, only that he was very, very sick.
He saw his home for the first time at four months old. After he was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and went through a tracheotomy at six months, he was completely soundless, having no ability to vocally cry or laugh out loud. When he cried, it was just tears, no noise. Five and a half out of his first seven months were spent in urgent care and the others were spent in his home connected to life support. He would spend the rest of his life, with his weak lungs and body, in and out of the hospital. This once so fragile baby boy now stands, three months away from his twenty-first birthday, as my hero, my coach, my cheerleader, my best friend and my Uncle Bryden William Belnap.
One day, I came home from school and work and felt like I just couldn’t go on. I had tests to study for, pages of homework and projects to finish for the next day. Although Bryden couldn’t tell me how to do my work, or help me find the answers, he was there, patting my back with a big smile across his face. He gave me the courage to keep going. With his encouragement and support, I can accomplish anything. He has taught me perseverance and determination through whatever adversity may come my way.
As life went on, I started taking risks, joining clubs, going to activities, cheering at games, playing sports, and running for office. As Associated Student Body Treasurer, Seminary Class President, Laurel Class President, Link Leader, Distributive Educational Club of America member, Key Club member, National Honors Society member and Interact Club member, I can proudly say I am involved and I owe it all to him.
It wasn’t until I was about eight years old when I realized he wasn’t like me, he wasn’t like my sisters or brothers. He wasn’t like my parents, grandparents, cousins or uncles. He was better. Bryden was everything I’ve aspired to be from that day forward. I strive to have his determination, passion and willingness, but most of all; I want to make a difference. I want to teach. I want to change. I want to be everything he was to me.
Skin Writing
I just finished some scholarship essays... and I feel like this one is "blog worthy." So here ya go:
Identify a significant personal obstacles you have faced and/or are currently facing and how you overcame or currently manage the obstacle:
Over the past three years I have had several health issues that have significantly affected my life. At the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, I was diagnosed with dermatographism, informally known as "skin writing." I went to doctors almost every week and was assured by each one that my rare disease would go away in the next 3-6 months. Three years have passed and I still wake up each morning with hives all over my body and throat. Last year doctors also found that I have asthma, severe allergies to almost anything living and severe heartburn occasionally.
This is not me...though it very well could be |
Life hasn't been easy. I wake up in the middle of the night with burning hives all over my body sometimes. I get made fun of and stared at as I walk around in public with marks on my body. People constantly asked if I got scratched by a cat, or other ridiculous assumptions. I am constantly worried about what I lean against, touch or what touches me. People take for granted simple things like resting their arms on the desk. I can't do all the things my brothers, sisters and friends can do. I have mini asthma attacks weekly and wake up with excruciating pain in my chest all the time. Most of the time I'm in pain, itching, or tired from sleepless nights.
This is not me...though it very well could be. |
Though I have been through a lot of emotional and physical pain in my past three years, I have chosen to stay positive and hold to my faith. Sometimes life is out of our control. I choose to look for the good in my trials instead of dwelling on the bad parts. Although I've been through so much pain, I've become closer to my mom, more aware of my health and especially closer to my religion and my faith. It is not about what happens to me. It's about my reaction to my trials.
Each trial I face draws me closer to my Savior, as I lean on him for support and strength to keep going. With each Priesthood Blessing, prayer and opportunity to feel his love, I grow and become more solid in the Gospel. Even though I have been through much tribulation, I would not take back any of my problems for the world. These rough conditions make me who I am. They make me a better, stronger person.
Shoes + Forest + Church
In church yesterday, my sister and I were obsessing over these girls shoes. They were purple and Lauren wanted to wear them to my wedding. We were thinking of strategies to subtly ask if she could borrow them. Then, she asked, "What size shoes do you think she wears?" And I said, "8 or 9s." Then, she's like "no...I think they are way smaller." So I kicked up my shoes to compare in front of the whole room during the lesson... Little did I know I had the forest growing from my soles...
We were sitting on the front row of Relief Society laughing our heads off... talk about awk-ward.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Dipped Cone FAIL.
So last night after the Almost Newlywed Game, Luke, Lisa (Luke's Mom), Grandma, Kayla (Luke's Sister), Chase (Luke's Brother) and I went to the Layton Mall to look at ties for our brothers and dads for the wedding...but we spend most of our time looking at clothes, shoes, jewerely and bean bags.
After we finished shopping, we went to the food court. While everyone was buying their dinners, I went to Dairy Queen to get a dipped cone because dipped cones are my FAVORITE. They were out of ice cream. Dairy Queen out of ice cream?! Fail.
On our way back to Brigham City, we stopped at the McDonald's drive through to get a dipped cone. We go to the first window to pay then to the second window to pick up the cones.
*The girl is standing there with two vanilla cones.*
Luke: Actually, they are supposed to be dipped.
Girl: Oh....Uhm...I've never done that before but I can try....
*She left for like five minutes then came back with this......*

She filled a cup up with cold hot fudge and dipped our vanilla ice cream cones in them...............................
I still don't know what to say....
And the winners are.....
As you have seen on Facebook and through other posts, Luke and I were chosen through the Standard Examiner, along with 3 other couples, to compete in their Almost Newlywed Game in Ogden. Last night we arrived at 5:45 and checked in the MC. He gave us our posters and markers then asked us to choose what amount of points we think we can get, in case of a tie. We chose 75 points.
Before the game started, the MC asked for four grooms. Luke and 3 other boys were chosen to get on stage and dance. Luke was shaking his booty and doing his thannng and we were all screaming for him, but he got second.
Then, the game began. We were introduced, then the girls were taken back into this room down the hall. The boys were asked 4 questions that they wrote down on their posters and then we all came back and had to answer out loud.
Round One: (5 points each)
How much does your fiance spend on a haircut?
Luke: $50.00
Kylee: $25.00
Is your fiance's car front wheel, rear wheel, or all wheel drive?
Luke: Front
Kylee: Front
Which one of your fiance's friends do you find the most attractive?
Luke: Nathan
Kylee: Nathan
After round one, there were 3 teams at 15 points and one team at 10. Then, it was the girl's turn. They boys left and the girls were asked 5 questions to write down.
Round Two: (10 points each)
What article of clothing of your fiances would you light on fire?
Kylee: Striped Sweatshirt
Luke: My old striped sweatshirt
What's your fiance's dream car?
Kylee: Lambo
Luke: Lamborghini
What habit of your fiance's drives you crazy?
Kylee: When he says, "You know that I...."
Luke: When I fall asleep...
What is the first gift you gave your fiance?
Kylee: Washington T-shirt
Luke: Washington shirt
Final Question: (25 points)
How many shoes does your fiance own?
Kylee: Infinity
Luke: Too many to count...infinite.
There was some controversy over the final question. But I did ask the MC if I could say infinite because I could never count... and he said yes. So when the judges said no, the MC backed us up.
At this point, all four teams had 70 points. So it came down to our guesses in the beginning.
Team 1: (US) 75
Team 2: 45
Team 3: 50
Team 4: 60
Team 2 and Team 3 were dismissed, and it was us and Team 4. Me and the other girl went in the back room and the boys were asked three questions. It was sudden death. So if one team got it right and the other got it wrong then the one that got it wrong immediately lost.
Final Round:
What animal does your mother-in-law remind you of?
Luke: Parrot
Kylee: Parrot
Other guy: Frog
Other girl: Cat
WE WON! I couldn't believe it!
100 dollar gift card to Walmart. Diamond Earrings and a Kenneth Cole watch from Richard's Mfg. Jewelers. A certificate for a free eyebrow wax. To Italian Ice something drinks. A free photo session at Inkley's and a free 11x14. A food processor from Costco. And LOTS of Sees Chocolate.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Welcome to the Yoli Revolution!
If your New Year's Resolutions are any or all of the following:
1. To eat/drink healthier
2. Exercise more
3. Make more money
I have the perfect opportunity for you!
Why Yoli?

- Patented Blast Cap® Technology
- Naturally Derived Ingredients
- No Toxic Stimulants
- Low Glycemic High ORAC Values
- No Preservatives
- Live Active Ingredients
- Alkalete Patented Formula
- Natural Flavors and Colors
- No Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners
- Specialty Formulas
- Gluten Free
Now back to those resolutions!
1. Eat/Drink Healthier:
Taking away soda and juices full of chemicals and sugars is one way to start the new year, but your body still needs nutrients.
"Yoli harvests nature's most potent nutrients at their nutritional peak, freeze dries them, and loads them into Yoli Blast Caps. Each Yoli Blast Cap is bursting with nutrients in a delicious beverage that is only activated at the time of consumption - ensuring a rich, potent blast every time."
With no sugar, natural ingredients, no preservatives or pasteurization, your body will get the nutrients it needs!
Try the TRUTH (Citrus Health Blast) & FUN (Lemon/Lime Health Blast) in Blast Cap or Powder Form.
2. Exercise more:
It's hard to get back in the groove after weeks, months or years of no exercising. Do you dread working out because of the soreness and pain you get the next day? What's the use of working out when you can move for days afterwards?
The discomfort people feel after physical activity is due to acid build-up. ALKALETE is a product that assists the body in reducing cramping, minimizes muscle stiffness and removes lactic acid that is caused from physical activity.
Yoli's product, Alkalete, comes in veggie capsules or powder form to mix in acidic foods or drinks.
3: Make some extra money:
Yoli is not sold in stores. It is only available through independent distributors, such as myself.
"To earn a lot of money is fairly simple. Find a big problem and offer an even bigger solution. Optimally, it will be in a large, rapidly growing industry. The liquid beverage industry is projected to reach $1 trillion in the next decade. To put that into perspective, that's the size of the automobile, computer, and travel industries combined.Not only does Yoli offer an affordable, innovative solution to people's health in one of the world's fastest-growing markets, but it also offers a solution to people's time and financial struggles without having to break the bank to get started.
Yoli believes that good old-fashioned word-of-mouth marketing coupled with a progressive hi-tech, hi-touch approach, is the perfect way to introduce Yoli to the world at large. Which is why we need YOU to help spread the word.
Yoli has introduced a proven compensation plan to the marketplace that backs up our belief that our Distributors are the absolute key to our success and should be paid accordingly."
So if you're interested in Yoli:
1. Sign up today as a Preferred Customer
Preferred Customers sign up for a monthly auto-ship of any product or variety of products they want!
2. Sign up today as a Distributor
Distributors sign up for a spot in the company and continue to build their own Yoli business in any way they feel comfortable. By signing up 3 people, they can have their entire order paid for with the break-even-bonus, in addition to receiving a monthly income based on the amount of people they sign up!
3. Buy product straight from me
You don't have to commit to a monthly shipment of Yoli, just call me and I can get you started with whatever fits your needs!
If you still aren't sure, we will be holding an
Opportunity Meeting in Cache Valley
on Thursday, February 3rd.
An Opportunity Meeting will go more in depth about the company, the products and becoming a distributor. Contact me for more information!
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