Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shout Outs!

Wedding Day

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Blog

Dear friends and followers:

It's finally that time. For months, I've been counting down the days to that special day where I get to change my name. New facebook identity. New social security card. New drivers license. New school ID card. New me :)

Now, I know that my name doesn't officially change until Saturday morning at 10:00 AM in Portland, Oregon, but the vinyl letters (M-A-U-G-H-A-N) are plastered on everything, so there's no turning back. I might as well take care of changing my blog and e-mail now, so there's one less thing to change on Saturday.

New Blog:

New E-mail:

E-mail me if you want our address or anything else.  Also, a lot of you are also probably wondering how I say my last name. It's not Mag-han. It's like LAWN with an M.

I love you all. Thanks for all the love and support in this new, exciting chapter of my life.


Kylee Ann Maughan
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